
General Neurologi

  1. Brazis, PW. Masdeu, JC, Biller, J. Localization in Clinical Neurology.
  2. Glick, T. Neurologic skills: examination and diagnosis
  3. Rowland, L. Merritt’s Textbook of Neurology.
  4. Adams, R. Victor, M. Ropper, A. Principles of Neurology.
  5. Biller J. Practical Neurology
  6. Bradley, WG. Daroff, RB. Fenichel, GM. Marsden, CD. Neurology in Clinical Practice.
  7. Plum, F. Posner, J.B. The Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma.
  8. Mayo Clinic. Clinical Examination in Neurology
  9. DeJong, R. Revised By Haerer, A.F. DeJong’s: The Neurologic Examination.  - an af mine yndlings
  10. WB Saunders: Aids to the examination of the peripheral nervous system.
  11. Rolak L. Neurology Secrets.


  1. Wijicks, E.: The clinical practice of critical care neurology.
  2. Weiner,W. Shulman, L.: Emergent and Urgent Neurology.
  3. Wiebers, DO. Feigin, VL. Brown, RD.: Cerebrovascular Disease in Clinical Practice.


  1. Referenceprogram - Diagnostik og behandling af hovedpindesygdommme og ansigtssmerte


  1. Preston DC., Shapiro BE.: Electromyography and Neuromuscular Disorders.
  2. Kimura, J.: Electrodiagnosis in Diseases of Nerve and Muscle: Principles and Practice.
  3. Balliere T.: Aids to the Examination of the Peripheral Nervous System.
  4. Dyck, P.: Peripheral Neuropathy
  5. Engel, A.: Myology
  6. Oh, S. Principles of Clinical Electromyography: Nerve Conduction Studies.


  1. Fisch, B. Spehlmann’s: EEG Primer
  2. Dale, D. Pedley, T.: Current Practice of Clinical Electroencephalography


  1. Jankovic, J. Tolosa, E.: Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders.
  2. Watts, R. Koller, W.: Movement Disorders: Neurologic Principles and Practice
  3. Fahn, S. Jankovic, J.: Principles and practice of movement disorders
  4. Reich, SG.: Movement Disorders: 100 Instructive Cases
  5. Kailash P. Bhatia: Case Studies in Movement Disorders: Common and Uncommon Presentations

  6. Donaldson Ivan: Marsden's Book of Movement Disorders
  7. Kapil Sethi: Paroxysmal Movement Disorders: A Practical, Concise Guide

Historie og andre interessante bøger

  1. Oliver Sacks: The man who mistook his wife for a hat - og mange andre bøger fra Oliver Sacks
  2. C. Miller Fisher: Stroke in the 20th Century

  3. Stanley Finger: Origins of Neuroscience: A History of Explorations into Brain Function

  4. Stephen Jacyna Stephen Casper: The Neurological Patient in History 

  5. Stanley Finger: Minds behind the Brain: A History of the Pioneers and Their Discoveries
  6. J. Bogousslasky, F. Boller: Neurological Disorders in Famous Artists

  7. Luke Dittrich: Patient H.M.: A Story of Memory, Madness, and Family Secrets

  8. Susanah Cahalan: Brain On Fire 

  9. D.T. Max: The Family That Couldn't Sleep: A Medical Mystery
  10. Oliver Sacks: Awakenings
  11. Jean Dominique Bauby: The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

  12. Luke Dittrich: Patient H.M.: A Story of Memory, Madness, and Family Secrets